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Published on Jun 1, 2023
Genre: Action, Mystery, Thriller.
Released: 2023.
Director: Robert Rodriguez.
Starring: Ben Affleck, Alice Braga, JD Pardo.
The story revolves around a detective investigating a series of complex and sophisticated robberies who finds himself embroiled in a mystery involving the disappearance of his daughter. With each new detailed investigation, he begins to understand that all these crimes have much in common and are connected to a secret government program. He faces many obstacles in the way of his investigation, but his professionalism and perseverance allow him not to give up and continue to search for answers to his questions.
He spends long hours in the library studying documents related to the government program and crimes. He talks to colleagues and experts to get more information about what might be involved in the case. His professional investigative approach allows him to go into detail and find connections between the various elements of a case. Ultimately, his investigation leads him to discover that a government program that was set up to protect the nation has been used to commit crimes. He also becomes convinced that his daughter has been kidnapped to be part of this program.


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