"Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin... NOT!": Sunday, July 14, 2024

Published on Jul 16, 2024
Today we look at our 2nd installment of our summer sermon series - Debunking Christian Cliches. This week, we're looking at the cliche that we should love the sinner but hate the sin - a judgmental way of looking at people and their lives. Jesus definitely had a few things to say about this attitude. Sin is doing that are contrary to God's will. Jesus spent a lot of time with sinners. He loved the sinners, and he went to the cross to save those who sinned. But telling us to love the sinners is judgmental... because we are ALL sinners! It's not our place to judge - Jesus actually told us to love our NEIGHBORS. Neighbors are EVERYONE we meet, not just the ones we like, or those we decide are worthy. Even our enemies are our neighbors! Remember, it's Jesus' job to judge; it's OUR job to love one another! We invite you to join us as we look at what scripture shares with us on this topic. Have a blessed week!


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