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Published on Aug 13, 2023
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery.
Released: 2019.
Director: David Yarovesky.
Starring: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn.
Spouses living in a small provincial town have been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to have a baby. The couple strictly follows the instructions of the family doctor, performing various procedures, taking pills and hoping for a miracle, but the hopeless diagnosis made by the doctors leaves them no hope. One evening an incredible incident occurs. There is a roar and for a moment the room of the couple is illuminated with bright light. Frightened man and woman run out into the street and notice a small spaceship crashed at the edge of the forest. Running to the scene of the accident, they discover that out of all the inhabitants of the flying saucer, only a tiny baby managed to survive. Having decided that heaven had heard their prayers, the husband and wife decide to adopt an orphan, not knowing how much pain and grief the alien foundling will bring. A few years later, parents begin to pay attention that their matured son is significantly different from their peers - he is closed, secretive and has extraordinary abilities. In the comics, superheroes are endowed with such powers, designed to save humanity, but the alien has a different opinion on this. He becomes a real monster, hating and destroying all life in its path.


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